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🎉 New Year, New Look! Explore the Refreshed Dr. Odin – Wellness Reimagined. 🎉
Dietary Supplements

Dietary Supplements

What is the meaning of a dietary supplement?

A diverse category of products that you either eat or drink to sustain a healthy lifestyle are called dietary supplements. These help to fulfill your mineral or vitamin requirements and they should not be considered as an alternative for food and they also should not be confused for being medicines. These supplements only boost energy but do not treat any health conditions; they just give your health a boost and contribute to the overall well-being of an individual.

These natural vitamins for energy are easily available in the market at drug stores, fitness centres, grocery stores and online. They come in various forms like powders, capsules, gummies, soft gels, bottles of liquid and the consumer can intake these in any form as per his or her taste and requirements.

Why consuming natural vitamins and minerals is important for maintaining daily health?

• The quality of nutrients is decreasing in the foods day by day and these dietary supplements help in providing the body with their complete nutritional requirements.

• Your body has a tendency to absorb vitamins and minerals from the food you consume; however, this process slows down as your age progresses. Therefore, it becomes quite essential for older people to add to their food with the best energy supplements available in the market.

• Our foods are loaded with preservatives, saccharine, colours, and similar additives these days. All these may have become vital for storing food for longer periods of time but they definitely affect the natural nutrients of the food and may also affect the body in an adverse way. Why else do you think the energy booster supplements are becoming so popular in our times?

• The modern food supply is contaminated with chemicals, fertilizers, air pollution, and degraded plastic and because of these health hazards it has become essential to consume extra minerals, vitamins, and nutrients to sustain the natural immune system of the body.

• Since the majority of youngsters are getting involved in bodybuilding or fitness regimes, their body needs extra natural supplements for energy. They can only be fulfilled by taking the best energy supplement.

Not sure which dietary supplement is the best for you? We at Dr Odin take pride in providing nothing but the best. Our medical supervisors have very carefully engineered the best energy supplements for you. Our wide variety of energy supplements are available online at very affordable prices and can be ordered as per your dietary requirements. These natural supplements will give sound support to the energy levels of every individual. They are made with the utmost supervision and precision and they have no side effects if taken as per the requirements of the body and instructions of your doctor.

Dietary supplements are a new way of adding years to your life.

The different types of dietary supplements that we provide are Multivitamins for both Men and Women, Cod Liver Capsules, Flaxseed Oil Capsules, Omega 3 Capsules and finally, Vitamin E

Capsules. All of these are manufactured with the best of the ingredients so that you are able to stay healthy for longer periods of time. The major detailed benefits of these are mentioned below.

Multivitamins for Men & Women

Multivitamins contain various micronutrients. They help in fighting stress and helping the body to relax and rejuvenate from stressful lifestyles. They also help in improving skin texture and make it softer, smoother and younger-looking for a longer period of time. Also, improve immunity and stamina so that your body is able to fight diseases in an effective way. They lead to better mental alertness and concentration so that you are able to undertake your work in a much better way and are able to give it your undivided attention on a day to day basis.

Cod Liver Oil Capsules

Cod Liver Oil is rich in Vitamins A & D which help in strengthening the immune system and promote healthy growth of the body. It also helps in maintaining healthy brain functioning and vision which may be hampered because of staring at screens all day. Increases energy & ability so that you are able to undertake physical exercises without feeling extreme tiredness. It is also considered a good source of essential fatty acids which aid in the formation of healthy cell membranes and are associated with proper nervous system function.

Flaxseed Oil Capsules

Flaxseed Oil is known for maintaining good heart health & also helps in keeping your circulatory system properly functioning and working for longer. Maintains Normal Blood Sugar Level which reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and helps to achieve weight loss goals. It also aids in reducing joint tenderness and pain which may be caused while undertaking strenuous physical activities on a regular basis.

Omega 3 Capsules Omega 3 helps to boost heart health and prevents cardiovascular diseases, therefore keeping your circulatory system properly functioning for a long period of time. Reduces inflammation in joints and parts of the body, especially for people who are prone to such afflictions. Also helps in reducing joint stiffness and pain and reduces blood triglycerides level which prevents problems like high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity.

Vitamin E Capsules

Vitamin E removes dark spots and makes the skin glow which may be turning dull due to external reasons like weather and polluted air and also acts as a cleansing agent by removing dirt and impurities from the skin to make it brighter. It also helps in reversing premature skin ageing which may have been caused by living a stressful lifestyle and indulging in unhealthy food habits. Prevents wrinkles & sun damage which is caused by the regular non application of sun protectant products like sunscreens. Acts as a blood purifier and a blood-thinning agent whose benefits are ultimately visible on the skin.

Hence, all these dietary supplements may not substitute for a full healthy meal but they provide some nutrients which are extremely essential for the body and which may be missing from our regular meals on a daily basis.

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